Volume 3, Issue 2 (Spring 2023)                   J Clin Sport Neuropsychol 2023, 3(2): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Bakhtiyar poor A, Bakhtiyar poor S, Naderi F, Askari P. The Mediating Role of Death Anxiety in the Relationship Between Psychosocial Capital Components and Depression in the Aged People. J Clin Sport Neuropsychol 2023; 3 (2) : 6
URL: http://jcsnp.ir/article-1-67-en.html
1- Ph.D. student. Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Khorramshahr branch. Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
3- Department of Psychology, Persian Gulf Branch Azad University, Khorramshahr, Iran.
4- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Ahvaz Islamic Azad University, Iran.
Abstract:   (167 Views)
Background and Purpose: The world's aged population is increasing, and depression and death anxiety are two common mental disorders among them. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of psychological capital on depression and death anxiety aged people.
Method: The population of this research included the aged people of Tehran in 2019, and 400 of them were selected by convenience sampling. Then they answered the death anxiety scale (Templer, 1970), Beck's depression inventory (Beck et al. 1961), and psychological capital questionnaire (Luthans, 2007). Finally, the data were analyzed using SPSS-21 software.
Findings: The results of this study showed that psychosocial capital has a significant correlation with depression; in addition, psychosocial capital had an effect on death anxiety and indicated a significant correlation.
Conclusion: According to the results of this research, psychosocial capital has an effect on depression and death anxiety and leads to their reduction. Therefore, therapists and counselors are suggested to pay attention to the role of psychosocial capital in depression and death anxiety, which is common among the aged people, and use its promotion to improve these two factors among agedpeople.
Article number: 6
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Clinical Psychology
Received: 2022/11/2 | Accepted: 2023/04/27 | Published: 2023/05/1
* Corresponding Author Address: Department of Psychology, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.

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